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Community Managers of the Zodiac

An end-of-year gift for my community management friends, prepared with love by me and Victoria Cumberbatch

Hey community industry friends! I've got a bit of a different blog post for you today. A while back, my community industry friend Victoria Cumberbatch and I got talking about our astrological signs in relation to ourselves as community managers (and for the astrology-skeptical, before you x out of this window—I'm not here today to convince you that astrology is "real," but I am a big believer that most lenses for conversation can yield valuable insight, and astrology is one way to start a conversation).

I'm a Sagittarius, and Victoria's a Capricorn—this conversation about astrology actually got us thinking deeply about what some of our "landmark traits" as community managers are, and how each of our unique personality traits can impact how we show up as community managers in the professional realm. So, we decided to take that conversation a step further and reach out to community managers across the Zodiac and interview them about their "landmark traits"—that's what I'm here to share with you today.

This flip-book features twelve community managers (some very impressive folks, if I do say so myself) and will offer you a mix of practical insight and fun. I hope it's a great way to have a little fun engaging in the industry as we wrap up the year, especially if you're craving making some space for reflection without digging into really dense thought leadership. Enjoy!


Want to take all this a step further?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I hope it was helpful for you in taking some time to reflect and wind down at the end of the year!

As you look ahead to 2023, if you're thinking about diving deep into your community project in the new year and you could use some help, I work as a strategy coach and have some space on my roster. I coach my clients through every aspect of community strategy—from engagement plans, to measurement and ROI, and even personal career growth. You can learn more about working with me and get started booking a call here.

My collaborator on this project, Victoria Cumberbatch, is also an incredible community builder, blogger, and strategist. You can learn more about her and working with her here.

Lastly, you can get free resources on community building straight to your inbox —like a templatized guide to a community launch, a cheat sheet for community management job postings, and more—by clicking below:

Thank you for reading!

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